Sunday, September 2, 2007

Revelation 2

Revelation 2 talked about Loveless Church, Persecuted Church, Compromising Church and Corrupt Church.

Revelation 2:2-4
"I know your works, .... left your first love."

In "Loveless Church", I learnt that even though all things were done but without love for God and others, it is quite useless too.

Revelation 2:10
"Do not fear... crown of life."

I also learnt about not fearing at those things which I am about to suffer, being faith till death.

Revelation 2:23
"And I will.... according to your works."

Lastly for today's chapter, I learnt in v23 that God searches our minds and hearts and He will give to each one of us what we deserve base on our work.

On top of these 3churches, I also learnt that when we overcome, God will
1) allow us to eat from the tree of life(Revelation 2:7),
2) not be hurt by second death(Revelation 2:11),
3) give some hidden manna to eat and a white stone with a new name(Revelation 2:17),
4) give authority over nations(referring to the enemies in NLT Study Bible) and morning star(Jesus Christ Himself (Revelation 22:16), referring to Jesus exposing the evil with His light of truth and bringing the promised rewards at the bleakest point which is before dawn, when it is the coolest and the darkest.)

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