Thursday, September 20, 2007

Revelation 19 and 20

Christ on a White Horse! This is mentioned in Revelation 19 and on His thigh was written " King of Kings and Lord of Lords " Holy war against the beast and his armies, He won! (: Victory!

Revelation 20, satan bound for 1000years. I wonder why God release him for a little while after that 1000years. Judgment came and those whose name is not on the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.

I am going to stay in soon!!! Gonna ask my 2ic if i can book out on next Saturday for church!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I'm stuck. Gonna squeeze 2 chapters of Revelation into 1 post. heh..

Revelation 17 mentioned about the Scarlet Woman and the Scarlet Beast. How they make war with the Lamb and got defeated.

Revelation 18 talks about the Fall of Babylon the Great. A mighty angel threw a stone that was like a great millstone into the sea, saying "Thus with violence the great city Babylon shall be thrown down, and shall not be found anymore."

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Revelation 16

Woe, the seven bowls of wrath!

The first bowl : Malignant Sores
The second bowl : Sea turns to Blood
The third bowl : Waters turn to Blood
The fourth bowl : Men are scorched
The fifth bowl : Darkness and Pain
The sixth bowl : Euphrates Dried Up
The seventh bowl : The Earth Utterly Shaken

wanna know more? Revelation 16

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Revelation 15

"The temple was filled with smoke from the glory and from His power,"

This part of the verse caught my attention and painted an image in my mind. A pity I can't paint it out. haha. Fill your mind with this, on the bright clouds laid a shining temple, pure and shining white majestic building built of huge boulders; with an opened marvelous gigantic door more than 10times of your height, and from it comes the beam of His glory, only visible through the smoke. Alright, i tried my best to paint that image in your mind. artistic? :P it's all in your mind. (:

Friday, September 14, 2007

Revelation 14

Now in Revelation 14 it talk about the suffering of the people with the mark of the beast, the reaping of the Earth's Harvest. Wanna know more??

Here's a link! Revelation 14

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Revelation 13

Revelation 13 mentioned 2beasts, one from the sea and the other from land. Both descriptions reminded me of something I've seen elsewhere, spot on for all that were written about the beasts. Curious to know what I've seen? Ask me in person and I will tell you! (:

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Revelation 12

Revelation 12 described about the war made between the dragon, the Woman and the Child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron. The dragon persecuted the woman who gave birth to the Child but she escaped with the 2wings given to her. The dragon then decided to make war with the rest of her offspring. It also mention about satan thrown out of heaven, to the earth and woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea, for the devil has come down to you, having great wrath because he knows that he has a short time.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Revelation 11

Revelation 11 talks about the 2witnesses; how people who dwell on earth rejoice over their death and yet not repent. It also talk about the ark in the temple of God in heaven. Lightnings, noises, thunderings, earthquake and great hail followed as the temple of God opens in heaven and revealing the ark: The Powerful Ark!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Revelation 10

Revelation 10 talks about the Mighty Angel with the Little Book. The angel stood on sea on his right foot and on his left the earth. His face was like the sun, legs like pillars of fire and rainbow was on his head. John took the little book from the angel and ate it. (: Yummy! but it will turn the stomach bitter. heh.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Revelation 8 & 9

Revelation 8 and 9 talks about the Seventh Seal : Prelude to the Seven Trumpet. To each trumpet comes with a strike, strike to earth and mankind.
First Trumpet : Vegetation Struck;
Second Trumpet : The Seas Struck;
Third Trumpet : Waters Struck;
Fourth Trumpet : The Heaven Struck;
Fifth Trumpet : The Locust from the Bottomless Pit;
Sixth Trumpet : The Angels from the Euphrates;
Seventh Trumpet : The Kingdom Proclaimed
(Revelation 11)

These 2 chapters showed me what will happen to the earth when the Day comes. Chaos, darkness, torment, dreadful; when one finds no death to end his pain and suffering. Yet to those who repented, they are spared from these. (:

Friday, September 7, 2007

Revelation 7

Revelation 7 talks about the Sealed of Israel and a Multitude from the Great Tribulation. Under 'A Multitude from the Great Tribulation', it spurs me to be more of God and less of the world, the white robe is the factor that attracted me to be more Godly. The purity, the qualification to wear that, a sign of sinless-ness and the acknowledgment from God. It's way better than all the ranks and badges; all the diamonds and jewels, and it is from God!!!!!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Revelation 6

First Seal : The Conquerer; Second Seal : Conflicts on Earth; Third Seal : Scarcity on Earth;
Fourth Seal : Widespread Death on Earth; Fifth Seal : The Cry of the Martyrs;
and Sixth Seal : Cosmic Disturbances

Under Cosmic Disturbance in v12, I recalled there was once I saw the moon in red after church. Amazing... According to scientific facts, it has got to do with cosmic refraction. Be prepared for all these!!! They are coming soon as each day passes!!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Revelation 5

hmm... Pretty short but I learned that Jesus was worthy to take the scroll and open it!!! Hallelujah!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Revelation 4

Revelation 4 talk about The Throne Room of Heaven, with description of the Throne, of the 4 living creatures, the 24 elders and how they praise God. Exciting eh.. haha... I must make my stand firm!!!! So I can see it with my own eyes, and hopefully join in the joy!!! (x

Revelation 3

Revelation 3 continues with another 3 more churches; The Dead Church, The Faithful Church and Lukewarm Church.

Revelation 3:2-3
"Be watchful, and strengthen the...... I will come upon you. "
This part speaks a lot to me. First thing of all, I felt that my work for God is not perfect and God is telling me to be watchful, hold fast and repent. This led me to think even further. What is perfection? I do not have the confidence to say I can do it, except to remind myself constantly that I need to be watchful. Also, "and you will not know what hour I will come upon you.", I have been thinking about this, that we do not know when He will come. And I am always worried that I will be ashame to see Him when He comes, for I know my work is not perfect and have not done enough on my part.

Revelation 3:10-11
"Because you have kept My command.... may take your crown."
The part on "to test those who dwell on earth." seems to be talking about God testing whether we are willing to part with worldliness and be with Him. I felt His mercy and grace in it, that He is giving us another chance to repent and make a final decision.

In the last part, Revelation 3 talks about the Lukewarm Church, people having both side of the "world". How then can the salt be sweet at the same time and, water and oil be mixed? Likewise the Holy and the evil. To those who rebuke saying by chemical means, I would like to ask if the product is corrupted and not of purity. Because this is crucial, our stand must be firm, so that we will not be doubtful on where we will be.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Revelation 2

Revelation 2 talked about Loveless Church, Persecuted Church, Compromising Church and Corrupt Church.

Revelation 2:2-4
"I know your works, .... left your first love."

In "Loveless Church", I learnt that even though all things were done but without love for God and others, it is quite useless too.

Revelation 2:10
"Do not fear... crown of life."

I also learnt about not fearing at those things which I am about to suffer, being faith till death.

Revelation 2:23
"And I will.... according to your works."

Lastly for today's chapter, I learnt in v23 that God searches our minds and hearts and He will give to each one of us what we deserve base on our work.

On top of these 3churches, I also learnt that when we overcome, God will
1) allow us to eat from the tree of life(Revelation 2:7),
2) not be hurt by second death(Revelation 2:11),
3) give some hidden manna to eat and a white stone with a new name(Revelation 2:17),
4) give authority over nations(referring to the enemies in NLT Study Bible) and morning star(Jesus Christ Himself (Revelation 22:16), referring to Jesus exposing the evil with His light of truth and bringing the promised rewards at the bleakest point which is before dawn, when it is the coolest and the darkest.)

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Revelation 1

Revelation 1:8
" 'I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End' says the Lord, 'who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.' "
This verse is like trying to tell me, when the Lord returns, it is the End because the Beginning was over. ahh... Beware! Sin no longer and live by His words, for He said the Day will come like a thief in the night, unexpected. Preserve yourself at all times, so that you will not fall and be with Him from that Day onwards.

Today's sermon was about Procrastination. One of the key factor affecting many students as we have already known and surprising to believers too. Students who procrastinated often found themselves too late to get their revision done and likewise, our spiritual life too. Christians who procrastinate whatever task given to them will miss the opportunities to serve, succeed and fulfilling our destiny. I did not realize that procrastination comes from the devil who tries to destroy us until today. I recalled of a few incidents when I procrastinated my quiet time, missing out the great words of His which can guide me for the day. And those days when I procrastinated my quiet time to "tomorrow", I ended up in a mess when things in my life gets handy and untidy. Those words that I ought to read could have helped me through this mess but due to my procrastination, I ended up living in a mess as I have missed the words.

I thank God that despite my procrastination, He was there to help me with the mess and I was not defeated.